Pinterest Hacked: Semi-Nude Fat Loss Pics Posted
I’ve been trimming the girth for a year or two, but this is too much! Semi-nude fat loss pics have swallowed up virtualDavis on Pinterest. Over night. Not cool. Fortunately a friend apprised me of the violation, and after purge, purge, purging the semi-nude fat loss pics (read, affiliate advertisements by an unscrupulous hacker) I’ve dug around to discover I’m not alone.
One board “Weight Loss: Loose Weight Fast” had 76 pins! (And, clever spammer, I think you meant, “Lose Weight Fast”, nest pas?)
My pinterest account was hacked and they posted women’s before-and-after diet pics. I was most offended by them spelling “lose” as “loose.” ~ jamey w. bennett (@jameybennett) September 18, 2013
And another…
apparently @pinterest accounts can be hacked now. no, I didn’t voluntarily make a board called “weight loss” and pin “secrets” all over it. ~ Lauren Ferrante (@lferrante) September 18, 2013
Pinterest Hacking Pandemic?

Pinterest Hacked
Hope not, but a good wake up call to pincers and Pinterest that they are vulnerable and need to be proactive. Here’s their official advise for dealing with boards or pins on your account that you didn’t create:
It’s possible someone got into your account. You should reset your password to secure your account:
- Click the profile menu then click Settings
- Click Change your password…
- Type in your old password
- Choose a new password – make sure it’s complex!
After you’ve reset your password, you can delete any pins or boards that were added to your account. Unfortunately, we can’t restore deleted boards or pins. If you have trouble resetting, try from (Pinterest Help Center)
Pinterest Lessons Learned
At least some fat loss affiliate programs cater to (or tolerate) unscrupulous spammers. The kind who target creepers obsessed with semi-nude women. Fat semi-nude women.
Pinterest needs to develop an easier, quicker, smarter interface for deleting multiple images at once. This should not be hard. Git’er done. Please.
Mean people suck. And they make us calloused, which also sucks.
Semi-Nude Laugh Therapy
I’d be remising in closing this grumbly post without returning to my all time favorite analgesic. Humor. So let’s wrap with an example of the lighthearted souls who don’t take these sorts of “crises” too seriously.
“Oh no, someone hacked my Pinterest,” the girl cried as she checked to make sure her cat photos and recipes were okay. ~ Ashley Burns (@MayorBurnsy) May 14, 2013