Peculiar. These seem to update to the file on my website, but the insert page which combines the destination file with the output page refuses to update with the new information. The new entries… So, some bugs still to work out. Hmmm…
Blogger.Com Bugs Fixed?
Seems to be a better day for trying to work out the kinks. Not positive that all of the strange bugs are gone, but I seem to be getting more or less the results I want. This will enable me to plug in blogs through, or rather to permit CRD, III and GGD, Jr. to keep their homepages updated through this free service. Hmmm… still having some problems with CRD’s insert though. Not quite sure why.

VirtualDavis on Blogger.Com?!?!
This is a test to see how this new blogger option ( might work for… Well, seems to have failed during the first try, so I’ll tweak the code a little and then try, try again. Here goes. Well, the second try is giving a little more reason for hope. But a great many kinks still to work out. I’ll keep plugging away. Okay, it seems that I’m making a little progress. But still can’t figure out how to control the size of the content page when plugged into the embedded destination page. The insert overrides my table width settings when it inserts the blog into my template… Hmmm. So still having problems. Now the font style is being overridden!
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