Life is Poetry

Life is Poetry: A daily doodle by yours truly, and an eternal truth by the powers that be!
Life is poetry.
Except when it isn’t. Like when it’s more of a broken record or an abscessed tooth or a tropical storm with hurricane potential.
But at it’s best, today for example, life is poetry.
Sometimes life rhymes. The message may be as difficult interpret as a summer mirage, but for a glimmering instant we stumble upon mesmerizing clarity.
And when I glimpse the poetry I’ve learned to step aside. Or sing along. Or dance.
I’ve learned that ignoring the poetry is all too easy, but unhealthy. Unhappy. It’s alright to sing off key or dance to my own rhythm. What’s important is diving in. Or yielding. What’s important is being open and receptive to the poetry. What’s important is embracing the poetry.
Each of us lives a life that expresses… Every thing we do, everything we are, expresses… What message are you giving the world, through your actions, how you live, how you treat others, what you accomplish, how you choose to be, every moment of every day?
Are you an angry rant? A ballad? An epic poem?
Perhaps a sonnet, a limerick, a haiku?
If your life is a poem, what do you want it to say? What would you rather leave out? (zenhabits)
Here’s one poet’s answer:
What’s your answer? If life is poetry, what are you expressing? What’s your song? What’s your dance?
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