
ˈvər-chə-wəlˈdā-vəs Serial storyteller, poetry pusher, digital doodler, flâneur.

Rosslyn Dock House on Lake Champlain

Another unseasonably balmy day today, so I snapped a couple of photos from our waterfront. You’re looking at our dock house on Lake Champlain located in Essex, New York. In the distance you can see Vermont’s Green Mountains.

You’re the Expert—Now Prove It

A killer proposal isn’t good enough for wannabe nonfiction authors. Lay the groundwork and build your credibility through these strategic efforts.


According to Dianne Jacob, here’s how to build your reputation most effectively:


Read the article here…

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Why Authors Need a Platform More Than Ever

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So here’s the thing: It’s difficult to sell a cookbook now, with a platform, so why would these three unknowns think they can sell a memoir without one? Creating and building a readership takes time, sometimes years. I can think of three possible explanations:

1. They’re unrealistic

2. They’re not serious

3.  They don’t believe in themselves enough to invest.

Because if the opposite were true: they’re realistic, serious, and believe in themselves, they’d get to work.


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Top 10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Using LinkedIn

1. Complete Your Profile
2. Increase Your Connections
3. Customize Your Website Links
4. Answer Questions
5. Update Status
6. Join Niche Groups
7. Post Comments In Groups
8. Add RSS Feed to Groups
9. Create a Group
10. Add the Blog Application to Your Profile

(Graphic and list via

Flâneur Videos All around the World

2min15 is a video blog to share urban life in different cities around the world. Videos with a length of 1min to 2min15 using digital cameras and basic editing software is the base of the project. This blog was created with non commercial purposes.

2min15 is interested in expressing a personal side of life in cities and the way people live it through different cultural situations. The increase of disposable technology as digital cameras, telephones, iPods and webcams makes it easy to express it without losing its essence and making it accessible for everyone. Every city has its own sounds, colors, languages and even smells. 2min15 would like to create a place where simple videos show their people, streets, cafes, women, architecture, parks, subways and specially, the flow between them.

via 2min15

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Oatmeal on the Coffee Table


Wow! Matthew Inman (@Oatmeal) has a fancy book deal! That’s impressive and inspiring. Find more information here:

The Power of Confident Writing

Photo via

Brian Clark (@copyblogger) had me at, “confidence is compelling and downright sexy… I’m not talking about arrogance. Arrogance is an indication of fear, not assurance.” If you agree, you might want to read another one of his postings in which he proposes three helpful hints for bloggers, writers, etc. Don’t take criticism/disagreement personally. Finish each writing project. (Get it done!) And push yourself!

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Why Grow? (and Other Wisdom from Tim Ferriss)

Photograph of Tim Ferriss via

Photograph of Tim Ferriss via

A great post from Tim Ferriss (@tferriss) which tackles three priorities for making a business profitable. “Profitability doesn’t need to be elusive. It’s a simple process… if you have the right recipe from the outset.

Here’s my 30-second reductio:

  1. “Small is not just a stepping-stone. Small is a great destination in itself.”
  2. “When you build what you need, you can also assess the quality of what you make quickly and directly, instead of by proxy.”
  3. “It’s not the gear that matters. It’s playing what you’ve got as well as you can.”

I’m especially keen on #1 which (ideally) enables portability, freedom and balance.

The Flâneur & The City: Historic Core

Urban historian Richard Schave’s site-specific discussion series “The Flâneur & The City” is an ongoing attempt to explore some of the more important issues revealed by the constantly changing heart of the metropolis. The core notion of the series is of culture and history as commodities that are packaged and sold to a target demographic; meanwhile, it’s the ignored and seemingly worthless scraps of meaning found on the sidewalks and marketplaces where the true remnants of positive public space can be found. All interpretations and nuisances of the word flâneur are examined — from the modern-day aesthete dreaming of Baudelaire while carried along in the human tide past the stalls and shops of Broadway, to its more recent and perhaps relevant use, someone who is loitering. At its heart this series is a celebration of the simple act of getting out of your car, walking through a neighborhood and learning to see it with your own eyes. Read more…

Full posting here: Los Angeles Visionaries Association

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What if Twitter… Came to Life?

Twitter: The Criterion Collection from sween on Vimeo.

Quirky, funny, odd, twisted and inane, this is Twitter-Frankenstein incarnate!