
ˈvər-chə-wəlˈdā-vəs Serial storyteller, poetry pusher, digital doodler, flâneur.

Twitter’s Growth Slows Dramatically

This news, via, claims that “Twitter grew at a rapid pace, peaking at a growth rate of 13% in March 2009”, but has since declined to 3.5% currently. But “18% of all Twitter users have more than 100 followers… Just six months ago, the average user was just following around 40 accounts.” So, what does all this mean? Saturation? Twitter’s improved their spam control? Existing twitter users are taking better advantage of the service?

Posted by virtualDavis via web from virtualDavis’s posterous

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Leonardo Da Vinci


Leonardo da VinciWhat is the point of connection between Martin Luther King, Jr. & Leonardo da Vinci? Both communicated ideas beyond the their time that shaped (and continue to shape) humanity? Both visionaries challenged the status quo? What else?

20 Foods You Should Eat

20 great foods you aren’t – but should be – eating. (Credit: The Times)

20 great foods you aren’t – but should be – eating. (Credit: The Times)

It’s 2010, the year to get healthy, right? Or did you already let your resolutions slip? Amanda Ursell’s 20 great foods you aren’t eating introduces “easy-to-buy super foods [that] could help you to live a healthier, flat-bellied and longer life…”

What are you waiting for?

Here’s a punch list of good-stuff-to-eat: almonds, apples, baked beans, chilies, dark chocolate, frozen berries, frozen peas, grapefruit, green tea, new potatoes, oats, oily fish, olives, parsley, poached eggs, pomegranates, prunes, tomatoes, turmeric and whole wheat pasta.

But how to eat all these good ingredients? You’ll find links to healthy recipes, so there’s no excuse to eat microwave dinners and fast food! Good luck.

Turkey Wing Prints


Turkey Winter WingsWhile cross-country skiing in the back meadow, I snapped this image with my Blackberry. Not a great shot, but it captures the gist… These are the patterns imprinted in the snow when a couple of turkeys took flights. Griffin and I had been following the turkey footprints throughout our adventure — probably close to a dozen birds — and I had noticed several coyotes tracks weaving among the turkey tracks from time to time. No doubt the turkeys and the coyotes had wandered through at different times. But seeing that this area where all of the turkeys suddenly took flight suggests that they just may have been startled by a couple of hungry coyotes. Or maybe they just heard us coming?

Writing Where She Goes


Writing RoadsJulie Roads is a writer, a blogger, a speaker. Writing Roads proclaims her wares, and her blog captures the whims and woes of the writing/copywriting/momming existence. Julie Roads is on twitter too, if you want the even more unfiltered soundtrack. And the website design? Clever and organized albeit slightly cluttered. In a good way. Like a writer’s desk…

Women Want Wine… and Cool Doodles!


Wine SisterhoodIs that a great logo or what?!?! Twitter connected me to this interesting website, and although it’s aimed at the fairer sex, I’m a big fan of the web design and graphics. Here’s what they are/do:

The Wine Sisterhood is the world’s first interactive web site dedicated to getting to the bottom of what women want… at least as far as wine is concerned.”

Women want wine. And cool doodles! At least as far as websites are concerned… Or so I’m guessing.

Long Way Down


Dramatic bridge picStumbled across this dramatic bridge photograph on Reddit this afternoon. Spectacular!