
ˈvər-chə-wəlˈdā-vəs Serial storyteller, poetry pusher, digital doodler, flâneur.

Top Photos of 2008


Top 2008 PicsSomebody with a bit too much time on their hands mashed up a PowerPoint presentation with a slew of photos garnered from the web during the past year. These are a few of my favorites. Apparently they were all voted on by someone somewhere, but that information had been expunged by the time it trickled down to me via a local friend. Some duds (cute kittens, etc.) but in general, this is a fun way to dally away a couple of minutes. If you’re interested, download the Top Photos of 2008 pps file and enjoy.

Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin

Lincoln & Darwin

Lincoln & Darwin

Today is the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays. The scientist and the politician both challenged the thinking and beliefs of their time, and each changed the modern world in vital, irreversible ways. (Despite the efforts of some!)

President Obama Spoke at the Lincoln Bicentennial Celebration, and much inevitably is being made of the Obama-Lincoln link. And Darwin too is much in the spotlight these recent years, especially as some religious zealots continue to call into question the science of evolution. So much and so little have changed in two centuries.

In poking around a bit, I’ve discovered two savory morsels:

“Charles Darwin’s trip on HMS Beagle was as a self-financed gentleman, a companion to the 26-year-old captain Robert Fitzroy.”

And, although Honest Abe was a fan and frequent quoter of William Shakespeare, Darwin scoffed, “I have tried lately to read Shakespeare and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me.”

Is It Really 2009?!?!

Feelings exuberant as I dip my calloused fingers into the keys and let them wander around, words dribbling across the screen, reminding me that writing — at least at this basic level — has not abandoned me altogether. Neglected for so long, it’s a wonder!

For two and a half years essentially all of my productive output was eclipsed by home renovation. A scary admission, to be sure, but more easily voiced now that I’ve reemerged, now that I’m struggling back into the mainstream. Ever since January my wife and I have been concentrating on closure, whether finishing furnishing and hanging art or threatening legal recourse for contractors who’ve still failed to complete aspects of their work. And it’s working. Work has morphed into home. The beehive of tradesmen are gone, and a sun filled, almost finished home is ours to enjoy.

A bit uncanny that my last posting, “Hear a Little Music, Read a Little Poetry” is what we’ve been relearning lately. Time to slow down and savor the fruits of our labors. Sounds remotely dishonest to claim that we’ve had to relearn this, but it’s actually true. De-programming the habits we adapted to survive. Part of my unwinding will be a return to virtualDavis and e-Marginalia as well as several other new projects that I’ll share soon. Aaahhh… Glad to be back!

Hiatus Interruptus

At last, I’m returning to this long overdue update to virtualDavis! I’m resuming the process of migrating old content over to the new server, CMS, theme, etc. I know, I know, I first promised this update in April 2007! But between then and now my life was kidnapped by the folly of follies: renovating our new home on Lake Champlain.

Ross House Drawing

W.D. Ross House, Essex, NY (c. 1822)

Recounting this epic adventure is my next challenge… But more on that later. Please don’t expect an overnight website transformation, but I will stumble through some of the most overdue updates ASAP. Patience and time will reveal the new and improved virtualDavis. I promise…