India Snapshots
Fresh back in the USA after 2.5 weeks in India. Still sorting out the culture shock, etc. Soon Susan and I will start sorting through hundreds of photos, but in the meanwhile here are several daily candids snapped on my Blackberry to keep family and friends in the loop.
Top Photos of 2008
Somebody with a bit too much time on their hands mashed up a PowerPoint presentation with a slew of photos garnered from the web during the past year. These are a few of my favorites. Apparently they were all voted on by someone somewhere, but that information had been expunged by the time it trickled down to me via a local friend. Some duds (cute kittens, etc.) but in general, this is a fun way to dally away a couple of minutes. If you’re interested, download the Top Photos of 2008 pps file and enjoy.