Waiting Room Purgatory
A recent trip to the eye doctors to get my eyeballs checked and my spectacle prescription (Sorry, couldn’t resist!) updated yielded this wonderful image.
We were all waiting and waiting and waiting for our appointments. More precisely, one of the stages of our appointments. A blurry western was playing on a wall mounted television above and behind my head which accounts for the dull gaze. And the snoozing patients.
It’s an efficient place (name withheld for diplomacy/delicacy) in so far as patients are shuffled from station to station where staff run them through tests. One clinician laughed that it was “a bit of an assembly line“. You think? Most stations were quick-ish. But this last spot was slooooooow.
It’s worth noting that the cashier at the end of the assembly line way quick, efficient and eager. Go figure!
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- Voyager Discovers Cosmic Purgatory (gizmodo.com.au)
- Eyes Into Eyes (annieb222.wordpress.com)