Addison Mehr’s Fort Apache
With five days to go, Addison Mehr is soooo close to meeting his $15k goal to direct and produce Fort Apache. This is a thrilling opportunity to support an Adirondack artist with smarts, vision and follow-through. And did I mention he’s one heck of a swell guy? Show him you’re rooting for him, and he’ll dazzle you with cinematographic magic!
“Addison is an emerging filmmaker born and raised in the Adirondacks. His short film “FIRECRACKER!” was selected for NYU’s Showcase and screened at the Lake Placid Film Festival. Addison has worked on music videos for MGMT, Devendra Banhart, Norah Jones, and Wyclef Jean as well as working for Martin Scorsese. Currently, Addison is a senior at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and is dedicated to developing films that are unique, challenging, and promote change in our world.” (Kickstarter)
Fort Apache Preview
Here’s Addison’s Kickstarter video for Fort Apache:
Fort Apache Director’s Statement
I grew up in a really small town where the nearest movie theatre was over an hour away. For me, film has always been an escape- a way out, a way to transport myself into another world, and ultimately a way for me to reflect back on myself and make sense of the world around me.
While Fort Apache is a coming of age story, it’s also a story about injustice, social inequality, and the universal struggle to find your place. To me, the story is about pushing against boundaries and dealing with the frustrations, bitter disappointments, and ultimate realizations of growing up. It’s about escape and the deep desire to transcend ones place and time. By shooting in the places I grew up in I hope to bring the highest level of authenticity to the story while visualizing it to its full potential. ~ Addison Mehr (Kickstarter)
Help Fund Fort Apache
Addison Mehr is a personal friend, so I am biased, but he’s also a gifted and insanely focused/disciplined young artist. I am 100% confident that he will help shape the next chapter of movie making. This is your opportunity to propel Meh’s career forward, but it’s also a chance to connect before he’s out of reach! Please consider supporting Fort Apache. Thank you.
Fort Apache Update
Fort Apache is funded! They’ve sailed past their $15k goal with $17,115 pledged. Thank you for your support, and good luck, Addison.