Write. Book. Pitch. Agent. Right?
Time to start shopping Rosslyn Redux around to agents.
This is a first time experience for me. New territory. Lots of learning. Risks. Excitement. And I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that there’s a fair dose of anxiety in the mix. Totally out of my comfort zone. (Which is actually a damned exhilarating place to be!)
On Saturday I’ll be participating in the Writer’s Digest Conference Pitch Slam and I’ve been exploring what constitutes a good book pitch to a literary agent. Turns out there’s no one magic formula, but I’ve been receiving lots of helpful advice. Here’s a glimpse at some of the more interesting (and easily shareable) tips.
This autumn/winter I starting transforming the wild and woolly adventure of renovating a house into a wild and woolly memoir. Now it’s time to transform myself into a published author! Step number one? Deploy the perfect pitch to find the perfect agent!
Related articles
- How Do You Know If Your Agent Is Any Good? (janefriedman.com)
- Networking with Literary Agents: Let’s Build a Relationship! (donweston.wordpress.com)