Writer’s Digest Conference 2012, Friday
Posted by virtualDavis | Category: Publishing, Writing | 5 Comments
Thrilled to be returning to New York City this year for another round of Writer’s Digest Conference (WDC12). What follows is a loosely curated overview of the data stream generated over the course of the three day conference. If I’ve overlooked a salacious tidbit, please let me know. I’ll add it in ASAP. Thanks. Enjoy!
“Can’t make it to the #WDC12? Never fear! The conference will be twittervized. Just follow the hashtag #WDC12 all weekend long. :)
“So excited for #wdc12 !!! See you all there! :)
“In NYC, baby! Almost time to get the #wdc12 show on the road!
“Going ice skating and grabbing lunch before #wdc12 begins!!!
“@DanBlank *waves* It’s c-c-cold here! #WDC12
“SFO—>NYC—>#wdc12 Looking forward to meeting everyone!
“Heheh! Edie Brickell welcomed me. RT @DanBlank Bryan Adams’ song “Heaven” just came on in the lobby… Will there be slow dancing at #WDC12?
“I am so jealous @virtualDavis @agwickedspirits, enjoy #wdc12 and I hope to see you next year!
“Live @WritersDigest Conference for FREE! RT @JaneFriedman Follow #WDC12 + follow latest chats via @Porter_Anderson: ow.ly/8Ah3m
“@lesaicherrej Stay engaged with us, Jessica, we’ll tweet it “most obscenely and courageously” (Shakespeare, don’t blame me) :)
“NYC! Off to registration here shortly. Ahhh exciting! #WDC12
“I’ll admit I am totally bummed I am not at #wdc12 this weekend – my best to everyone I met last year – hope to see you at 13
“We’ll dish up highlights 4u! :-D RT @lesaicherrej I’m so jealous @virtualDavis @agwickedspirits, enjoy #wdc12 & I hope 2 see u next year!
“Everyone who will be pitching to me tomorrow at #wdc12–yes, I will be wearing rain boots. It’ll be snowing. Go ahead and mock me.
“@Porter_Anderson Ha! I’ll put my laptop on the kitchen island while I cook. So excited to read your updates. #WDC12
“@ficwriter You’ll want to stand well back from your computer, Darrelyn. :) #wdc12
“Excited for the opening address to begin! #digitalage #wdc12
“3, 2, 1,… Blast off! #WDC12 is off and running. Introducing A.J. Jacobs who’ll speak about “Writing About Yourself in the Digital Age”.
““If you have a job at the Gap, steal a few seconds and write in the sweater section!” ~ A.J. Jacobs #WDC12
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: “My first book was about my attempt to get smart…read the Britannica from A to Z.”
“About writers, “we are not the best adjusted lot… Writers can be quirky.” ~ A.J. Jacobs
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: Lessons in #writing from reading the Britannica: (1) Be aggressive. Get your writing in people’s faces.
““I’m Jewish in the same way that Olive Garden is Italian.” ~ A.J. Jacobs #WDC12
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: “Writing is a very sedentary profession. Recent research indicates that sitting is horrible for you.”
“1/4 writer, 1/4 coach, 1/2 stand-up comedian! RT @kuzitiz: @ajjacobs is hilarious #digitalage #WDC12
“With @Porter_Anderson and @WritersDigest waltzing in sync at #WDC12, it looks like I step aside. Will save energy for breakout sessions…
“Sounds gr8! RT @glecharles After tonight’s #wdc12 sessions finish, @janefriedman & I’ll be meeting up @ @BourbonNY (346 W. 46th St) Join us!
“#true RT @aalabdin: @vazzam RT “@WritersDigest: “If you write with style and passion, you can make any topic interesting” AJ Jacobs #WDC12”
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: “A chair can be boring…but people are the most complicated things in the universe.” (Not boring.)
““There’s a story in all of life but we have to carve it out…” ~ @ajjacobs (via @Porter_Anderson at #wdc12)
Some good pitch advice about front end loading your hook from A.J. Jacobs:
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: “I was an editor at Esquire” before moving to writing. Tip: In pitches, get straight to your hook up top.
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: “If you’re pitching magazines, find the editor of the section you’re pitching…and kiss their ass.”
““If you write with style and passion, you can make any topic interesting” ~AJ Jacobs | via @WritersDigest @LaLicenciada #WDC12
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: Social media work in platforming “actually makes my writing better because it starts a conversation.”
““Be expansive. You should write about the world as you write about yourself” AJ Jacobs #WDC12
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: Another lesson: “Your job is not just writing. Writing is becoming increasingly entrepreneurial.”
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: “There are ways you can look at @Twitter not as a chore but as a creativity booster.”
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: Social media work, Jacobs says, is important for writers because publishing’s future is so unpredictable.
“At the @WritersDigest Conference. Awesomeness abounds! #WDC12
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: “Creatively, this is the most exciting time” because of storytelling modes available now.
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: Financially, however, it’s not necessarily as good, AJ says. “You need to ‘build up a brand,’ as they…
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: In answer to a question: “For me, tweeting is the most important (of the #socmed options).”
“Words of wisdom from the hilarious former Esquire mag editor AJ Jacobs: don’t use real names when you shit talk people in writing.
#WDC12 -
“#wdc12 Writing Yourself @ajjacobs: Book vs. blog. “In a book, it can’t just be a series of stories. People really want a narrative arc.”
“#wdc12 fantastic opening speech by @ajjacobs. Funny and informative!
“I have better internet in the ladies room than the ballroom. #wdc12
“Guess who’s going to the @WritersDigest conference tomorrow! This girl. Look for me in #wdc12, stalkers.
Next up, Donald Maass tackles “Writing the 21st Century Novel”.
““In the 21st Century, the concept of “genre” is going away” Donald Maass at #WDC12 #21novel
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass “In the 21st century, I believe the whole concept of genre is disappearing.”
“@DonMaass at #wdc12. Great insight and suggested writing techniques
“Nobody’s guts are ever twisted when you use the words “gut-twisting…” You’ve got to excite the reader’s imagination. #WDC12 #21novel
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass “When you follow the rules…(or) try to write to be published, you’re not going to make a high impact.”
“#wdc12 Wow. Donald Maass lecture alone worth price of admission. Amazing fiction suggestions.
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass “You can take any character with any sort of profile and construct an inner journey.”
“#wdc12:Donald Maas”excite reader’s imagination via the unexpected as part of gr8 storytelling & beautiful writing.”
“Getting writing tips from @DonMaass at @WritersDigest Conference. Some great tidbits on writing a breakout novel. #21novel #WDC12
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass With literary writers, there’s a word that gets a wince, Don says: “Plot.”
“Many literary novels are beautifully written and touch our emotions, but not much happens…let’s talk plot. #WDC12 #21novel
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass He says it may be easier for literary writers to think of events, if not plot. But you must consider this.
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass “Let’s write the experimental, what-the-hell version of your novel. What could happen….terrible, scary?
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass “What could happen…to accelerate us at top speed toward the ending” of your novel.
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass Exactly halfway through your manuscript, what’s going on? What would blow your story sideways?
“Loved Donald Maass’ talk tonight @ WD Conference #WDC12. My characters are doing all sorts of things I never thought of before. Thank you!
“What bomb can you drop on your protagonist right in the middle of your novel to blow the story out of the water? #WDC12 #21novel
““Don’t worry about blowing your story sideways…take the time; you’ll make a better novel.” Donald Maass #WDC12 #21novel
“Donald Mass is very interesting and funny at the #WDC12
“Donald Maas “decline of straight genre fiction being replaced by high impact fiction” #wdc12 #myWANA
“Man, I wish I was at #wdc12 just to hear @DonMaass – his 21st Century Novel comments make SO MUCH sense
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass “The techniques of powerful storytelling pierce through to people’s imaginations…and sell and sell.”
“Neither agents, editors, movies, or pre-publication reviews make a novel great. Authors and only authors make novels great! #WDC12 #21novel
“#wdc12 21st Cen Novel @DonMaass “It’s not movies that make novels great, it’s authors who make novels great.”
@ChuckSambuchino coaches writers how to pitch agents at #WDC12. http://instagr.am/p/i-F8T/
“Knee-deep in the middle of Chuck Sambuchino’s tips to make the most of tomorrow’s Pitch Slam…are you ready?! #pitchperfect #WDC12
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino “Absolutely, do not give an agent anything. (A bizcard, a one-sheet.) Don’t hand them anything unless they ask.”
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino “How long is the pitch? 3 to 10 sentences. Everybody’s pitch in this room is going to be drastically different.”
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino “Do not tell the ending” of your book….”Don’t be afraid of erring on the side of being short.”
“Pitch Tips: Get your pitch down to 60 to 90 seconds! Do everything you can to cut down on confusion! #pitchperfect #WDC12
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino “Put yourself in the #agent’s shoes…you want to do anything you can to cut down on confusion.”
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino Your pitch contains an introduction of the main character …
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino … And your pitch includes something interesting about your main character.
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino And then your pitch includes the ‘inciting incident,’ the event that answers “what happens?” to drive the story.
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino Chuck’s fourth part is of a pitch is “what’s your story about?” It’s almost a repeat of your log line.
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino For nonfiction, you must answer why your book is unique, needed, and/or timely.
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino In nonfiction, you also must talk about your credentials. And perhaps the most important part: Your platform.
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino “If you’re pitching fiction, it’s all about the pitch. With nonfiction, the pitch and your bio are equally…
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino The fifth part of the pitch is complications. And the sixth is the unclear (don’t give it away) ending.
“Pitch Tips: Don’t sing your pitch or give your pitch in character. Avoid “blockbuster” “bestseller” “movie adaptation” #WDC12 #pitchperfect
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino One of Chuck’s most interesting suggestions is to pitch memoir in a fiction mode. (Real good point.)
“This speaker is great! Awesome way to end the first evening at @WritersDigest conference #wdc12
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino This year, Pitch Slam has more agents, somewhat fewer writers pitching, AND an extra hour. (Three hours total.)
““@Porter_Anderson: #wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino Important pitch tip: Don’t tell agents God told you to write your book.” Even if it’s true.
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino Ideally, Chuck would like to see writers have a chance to pitch six to eight agents each in Pitch Slam tomorrow.
“AMAZING afternoon at #WDC12! So excited for tomorrow :)
“NF writers: You can’t wait until your book is published to start building your platform. Write, speak, do the work now #wdc12 #pitchperfect
“What was #1 for #nonfiction pitch? #pitchperfect #wdc12
“@ShawndraRussell Do these help fill in the gaps? Why is this book unique/timely? Why am I an authority? What is my platform? #WDC12
“Pitching agents at #WDC12 tomorrow? Nervous? Let’s pretend we’re all old friends just chatting over a cheese plate, shall we?
“Real life pitch with chuck! Brave guy volunteered. #wdc12
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino Chuck’s advice, when he hears more, is to “come clean” about a discovery by the protag of his own importance.
“Tipple with @janefriedman and @glecharles at @BourbonNY (346 W. 46th St) after the last #wdc12 session tonight.
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino Now, a pitch for a book about “a young, bi-racial ballet dancer’s” search for love.
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino Now a pitch about someone “willing to sleep with anyone if it will land a wedding proposal.”
“Woot! I’ll second that. Bravo, Porter! :-) RT @ficwriter #FF @Porter_Anderson for live updates from NYC #WDC12.
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino: “I might ask you to just do the pitch over again.”
“#wdc12 @ChuckSambuchino Pitcher: “Oh, Jesus.”
Great pitch by @agwickedspirits at #wdc12 ! http://instagr.am/p/i-u1H/
“Just pitched to 500 people. Holy shnikes. #wdc12
“@agwickedspirits You rocked it! Congrats! #WDC12
“Great dinner w/ #wdc12 conferees! Delicious crab cakes. (@ Bobby Van’s) [pic]: 4sq.com/xwB5e7
“@LisaHallWilson I am so jealous. Wish I could be there at #wdc12 #MyWANA
“working on my pitch #pitchperfect was so helpful. #wdc12
“Pitching with friends at the hotel bar’s cushy sofa section. Join us, won’t you? #wdc12
“Hangin with my new pitch buddies @agwickedspirits @jordanturgeon in the bar! Mission #1: Make friends #ACCOMPLISHED #WDC12
“@Porter_Anderson #wdc12 You worked hard today. Thanks for your info & effort. Hope you can recharge the battery.
“Seems the only way to make my book successful is with pure passion. Will know more tomorrow after pitchslam at #WDC12
Related articles
- Writer’s Digest Conference 2012, Saturday (virtualdavis.com)
- Must-Attend Sessions: 2012 Writer’s Digest Conference (janefriedman.com)

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[…] Writer’s Digest Conference 2012, Friday « virtualDavis In NYC, baby! Almost time to get the #wdc12 show on the road! Going ice skating and grabbing lunch before #wdc12 begins!!! @DanBlank *wav… Virtualdavis […]
[…] Writer’s Digest Conference 2012, Friday « virtualDavis In NYC, baby! Almost time to get the #wdc12 show on the road! Going ice skating and grabbing lunch before #wdc12 begins!!! @DanBlank *wav… Virtualdavis […]
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