Fête du Flâneur, An Urban(e) Party via Great City
I’m feeling envious of Seattle-based flâneurs who’ll be able to attend the Fête du Flâneur — billed as “an urban(e) party” — on February 25th at Melrose Market. The highlight, it seems to me is this: “Following the early reception will be a celebration of enlightened, if fanciful, urban living featuring music, open bar, hors d’oeuvres, silent auction, an address by Mayor Mike McGinn, crowning of the Great City-Cascade Land Conservancy Mustache Challenge champion, Flâneur-inspired art, dancing and DIY costumes.” It’s possible that the only thing cooler than a celebration of flânerie is a mustache contest. Since I’ve perfected the former, I’d better get to work on the latter! What sort of costume would you were to a flâneurs’ festival?

[…] Fête du Flâneur […]
[…] Fête du Flâneur […]